Turret Jumper (PROTOTYPE) Mac OS

Cheat - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. The Apple IIGS (styled as IIGS), the fifth and most powerful of the Apple II family, is a 16-bit personal computer produced by Apple Computer.While featuring the Macintosh look and feel, and resolution and color similar to the Amiga and Atari ST, it remains compatible with earlier Apple II models. The 'GS' in the name stands for 'Graphics and Sound,' referring to its enhanced multimedia.

We just released a Feb. 5 '89 prototype of DuckTales for the NES!
If you'd like to support our preservation efforts (and this wasn't cheap), please consider donating or supporting us on Patreon. Thank you!

Developer: Valve
Publisher: Valve
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Released internationally: October 10, 2007

This game has hidden developer credits.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused models.
This game has unused sounds.
This game has unused text.

To do:
There's more stuff on various Wikis: Valve Developer Community, The Portal Wiki, and maybe the Combine OverWiki or Half-Life Wiki.
  • There's a source code leak, which may or may not be of a prototype.
  • Revisional differences (first version: Windows Orange Box; last version: latest Steam update (Win, Mac, or Linux) or Android port.

Hello, and again, welcome to the TCRF wiki article pertaining to unused assets within the computer entertainment software known as 'Portal'. We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault has been a pleasant one. Your specimen has been processed and we are now ready to begin the article proper. Before we start, however, keep in mind that although fun and learning are the primary goals of TCRF activities, serious injuries may occur.

Breadboards are one of the basic and most fundamental pieces of building circuits and prototyping your devices. An important thing to know is that when we are talking about 'breadboards' we are actually referring to a solderless breadboard (and not the type of wooden board you make sandwiches on).Wh. Jumper wire, also known as DuPont wire is an electrical wire with pin at each end, which is normally used to interconnect the components on a breadboard or other prototype circuit without soldering. Resistor is a passive two-terminal component that implements electrical resistance.

Turret Jumper (PROTOTYPE) Mac OS
  • 1Unused Textures
    • 1.8Unused Map Textures
  • 3Unused Dialogue
  • 6Unused ASCII Art
  • 8Half-Life 2 Leftovers

Unused Textures

BLU Briefcase

Present in materials/models/flag is the Team Fortress 2 BLU briefcase texture, apparently misplaced here.


The early fixed portal border texture, seen in many pre-release screenshots, remains in the game files in the portal/materials/signage/ directory.

Red Portal

A red-colored portal, present in portal/materials/models/portals/portal-red-color.vtf. This is the color the orange portal had during development, and if you turn on the closed captions the message 'Red Portal Open' will appear whenever you shoot an orange one. This misnaming is present in all languages.

To enable it in-game (replacing the orange portal), modify portal/materials/models/portals/portalstaticoverlay_2.vmt to read '$PortalColorTexture' 'models/portals/portal-red-color' instead of '$PortalColorTexture' 'models/portals/portal-orange-color', although the particles around the portal will stay orange.

Alternate Portal Particles

To do:
Add an image of this in action.

Present in the game's particle files are a different particle system for portals that was never used in-game. It can be enabled by running the game with the -tools argument.

'Sparta' Sign

This odd texture is present in portal/materials/models/props_facemovie/wet_floor_sign, without a matching model in the game files. Files used in the 'props_facemovie' folder were originally intended to feature in a Source Filmmaker video, and a matching model for the sign can be found in the Source Filmmaker files, albeit with a plain texture.

  • Texture from the Portal files

  • The sign with the SPARTA! texture

  • The sign with the plain texture from Source Filmmaker

White Phone

There is an unused skingroup texture of Aperture Science's emergency phone prop, colored white.

  • Texture from the Portal files

  • When applied to the phone and receiver models


Present in the portal/materials/models/weapons/v_models/v_portalgun/ directory is a texture for a much earlier Portal Gun, as seen in this video.

Unused Map Textures

A couple of concrete and plastic textures that never got used.

  • concrete_bts_floor001b.vtf

  • concrete_bts_wall001a.vtf

  • plastic_light001a.vtf

  • plastic_light001b.vtf

This texture, in portal/materials/nature, apparently would have appeared as the surface of toxic slime as seen from below. The material simply reuses the top texture for both sides.


A few overlays, a poster and a couple of oil stains, also never got used. stain_oil_06.vtf lacks an alpha channel.

  • aperture_poster001a.vtf

  • stain_oil_02.vtf

  • stain_oil_06.vtf


An odd skybox showing metal test chamber walls with glowing orange holes.

  • bts_custom_cubemapup.vtf

  • bts_custom_cubemapbk.vtf

  • bts_custom_cubemapft.vtf

  • bts_custom_cubemaplf.vtf

  • bts_custom_cubemaprt.vtf

  • bts_custom_cubemapdn.vtf

Another odd skybox showing the first Xen map from Half-Life. The map escape_01.bsp is in fact set to use this, but the map doesn't contain any skybox brushes, so it is never rendered.

Unseen Portal Gun Viewmodel Hand

In the actual Portal Gun's viewmodel, there's a non-animated hand without textures. Unfortunately, Chell's hand texture's UV mapping does not match the VTF meaning the texture does not align with her arm.

Unused Dialogue


To do:
There's more unused audio for GLaDOS than just this one, extract them and upload them here.
ListenSound Summary
Present as portal/sound/vo/aperture_ai/file_deleted.wav. It is simply GLaDOS saying 'File Deleted'.


ListenSound Summary
Unused line for when the player is spotted by a Turret.
Unused line for when a Turret is searching for the player.
Unused line for when a Turret is shooting at the player.
Unused lines for when the player knocks down a Turret.
Unused lines for when the player picks up a Turret.

Unused Sounds

ListenSound Summary
Unused fluorescent hum variant.
Unused ticking sound for a clock.

Tim Larkin

If you noclip to the end sequence, you will find a radio NPC named Tim Larkin. Larkin created the ending cinematic music/sound, and this NPC controls the playing of those sounds. It was named after him in his honor. Apparently, Tim didn't know about this!

Unused ASCII Art

Various pieces of ASCII art go unused in the credits.txt and, by proxy, in the ending credits' ASCII art section.






Unused Subtitles

A few unused subtitles can be found in the closed captions files. They are translated into different languages. The scripts/npc_sounds_aperture_ai.txt labels them as BONUS REWARD SOUNDS, and reveals they were to be spoken by GLaDOS. Some of these correspond to lines which were are garbled or cut-off in the final game, while others are for lines that go unused or are only present in the leak.

NameSubtitleCorresponding Audio
portal.bonus04_2'[Warping Effects] Fling! Fling! Fling! Fling! Fling!' (Garbled, only in leak)
portal.bonus02_2'Before, when I told you it was your last chance, that wasn't completely true. This is your real last chance. Now, STOP what you're doing!' (Only in leak)
portal.bonus05_2'Enrichment Center regulations require both hands to be empty before any cake can be served.' (Cut off)
portal.bonus04_1'Get ready to fling yourself. Fling into space.' (Garbled)
portal.bonus01_3'I know you don't believe this, but everything that has happened so far was for your benefit.'
portal.bonus06_3'I'm checking some blue prints and I think.. yes, right here! You're definitely going the WRONG way!'
portal.bonus03_2'Most importantly under no circumstances should you remove the device from the testing area.' (Cut off)
portal.bonus01_2'There really was a cake.' (Unused)
portal.bonus03_1'To reiterate our previous warning, this test requires a mastery of the principles of portal momentum.' (Garbled)
portal.bonus02_1'Very Impressive! Be warned, however, that complacency can result in failure.' (Cut off, only in leak)
portal.bonus05_1'We are pleased with your success.'
portal.bonus01_1'Well done. Remember that we are pleased you could join us for testing.'
portal.bonus06_1'You need to make a LEFT at the next junction.'
portal.bonus06_2'You need to make a RIGHT at the next junction.'

Half-Life 2 Leftovers

Adobe reader for windows xp sp3 32 bit free download. There is a folder titled 'hl2' filled with Half Life 2 assets, mostly there due to reusing some assets and possibly not bothering to clean out irrelevant data.

Half-Life 2-Style Testing Equipment

The prefabs included in the Source SDK Episode One tools with the folder 'prefabs' (having three folders inside, one which is for Portal) feature old versions of map elements in Half-Life 2 style. Portal used Half-Life 2 assets in the early stages of development as placeholders.

The Portal series
Windows, Mac OS X, LinuxPortal • Portal 2
Related games
Windows, Mac OS X, LinuxTag: The Power of Paint • Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative • Portal Stories: Mel
Retrieved from 'https://tcrf.net/index.php?title=Portal&oldid=891033'


The Serial Basic is an easy to use USB to Serial adapter based on the CH340G IC from WCH. It works with 5V and 3.3V systems and should auto install on most operating systems without the need for additional drivers. It's a great lower cost option to the extremely popular FTDI Basic.

SparkFun Serial Basic Breakout - CH340G


The Serial Basic uses the CH340G IC to quickly and easily convert serial signals to USB. It works great with all of our products including the Arduino Pro Mini, our GPS modules, cellular modules, and many other devices that uses serial communication.

Required Materials

At a minimum, you will need the following materials to follow along with the tutorial. You may not need everything though depending on what you have and your setup. Add it to your cart, read through the guide, and adjust the cart as necessary.

USB micro-B Cable - 6 Foot


Jumper Wires Standard 7' M/M - 30 AWG (30 Pack)


Suggested Reading

This is an easy board to get started with, but, if you are not sure how serial works or have not used a terminal program before, you may want to checkout the following tutorials.

Serial Communication

Asynchronous serial communication concepts: packets, signal levels, baud rates, UARTs and more!

Serial Terminal Basics

This tutorial will show you how to communicate with your serial devices using a variety of terminal emulator applications.

How to Work with Jumper Pads and PCB Traces

Handling PCB jumper pads and traces is an essential skill. Learn how to cut a PCB trace, add a solder jumper between pads to reroute connections, and repair a trace with the green wire method if a trace is damaged.

Serial Basic Overview

The pinout of the Serial Basic mimics the common DTR/RX/TX/VCC/CTS/GND pinout found on hundreds of FTDI-to-USB derivatives.

Pin LabelInput/OutputDescription
DTROutputData Terminal Ready, Active Low
RXIInputSerial Receive
TXOOutputSerial Transmit
VCCSupply OutputPower supply 3.3V (default) or 5V
CTSInputClear To Send, Active Low
GNDSupply OutputGround (0V) supply

Alignment Markers

These GRN and BLK indicators are there to help you align the board properly with products that use this same pinout.

The Serial Basic mates seamlessly with products that use the standard serial connection. If you see a board with the BLK and GRN labels, then you know it will be compatible with the Serial Basic.

See the GRN and BLK labels on this nRF52832 Breakout?
Where did GRN and BLK come from? Way back in 2008, when we created the Arduino Pro Mini, we needed to have a pinout to allow serial bootloading. At the time, the best USB to TTL Serial device was the FT232 Cable. Its unpolarized connector could be flipped either way so we added the words GRN and BLK to the PCB to let folks know how to line up the colored wires. The practice stuck! Now, many boards use this standard.
The cable with colored wires

Voltage Selection Jumper

There is a jumper on the rear of the board that controls the output voltage on the VCC pin. By default, the board outputs 3.3V and has 3.3V signals. Changing this jumper to 5V will cause the board to output 5V on the VCC pin with 5V signals.

Jumper is default to 3.3V VCC and I/O

When the jumper is set to 3.3V, the board uses an onboard 3.3V regulator capable of sourcing 600mA. If you attempt to pull more than 600mA, the regulator will go into short-circuit shutdown where it will only output 150mA.

When the jumper is set to 5V, the board will source as much power as your USB port will provide.


There are two LEDs on the board connected to TX (Green) and RX (Yellow). This is a quick and handy way to see the serial traffic.

Hardware Test

To connect the board to a computer, you will need a standard A to micro-B USB cable. Plug the micro-B USB cable into a USB port on your computer and the other end into the Serial Basic. Your computer should automatically install the necessary drivers and create a COM port on your computer. If you are prompted for drivers, please see the Drivers section.

The quickest and easiest way to make sure everything is working is to do a TX/RX loop-back. To do this, insert a jumper wire between TX and RX. Anything that is transmitted from the TX pin will be echoed back to the RX pin.

Open your favorite terminal program. Select the COM port that the Serial Basic is assigned to, and connect. When you type a character, you should see each character you type echoed back in the terminal.

Which COM Port Do I Need?

Cleos vip room casino. Most programs will show you a description of the USB device that created the port. To verify that your driver is working, you can use a serial terminal, Arduino IDE, device manager, or command line.

Serial Terminal

Look for the port associated with CH340.

Arduino IDE Ports

If you're using the Arduino IDE, figuring out which COM port is the one you want is more difficult. Here's the quick way to figure it out: attach the Serial Basic to your computer, and check which COM ports are listed. In the image below, we have two ports. Now close the Tool menu by clicking on the main Arduino IDE window.

Unplug the Serial Basic, and re-open the Tools->Ports submenu. You will see one of the serial ports is missing. That's the one you want! Plug your Serial Basic back in, and use that COM port.

Note: You need to close and re-open the tools menu before Arduino will refresh the port list. If you have the tool menu open simply click on the main window, then click back on Tools ->Port.

Windows: Device Manager

You can also verify that the board is installed if it shows up in your device manager. You can click the Start or (Windows) button and type 'device' to quickly search for the application. (*On Windows 10, the quick search function is picky on the spelling of the application you are searching for. High limit slots. For example, you may get results using '_devi_' and none for '_device_'.)

Screenshot of Window 10 Device Manager with Serial Basic on COM42. Click to enlarge.

Mac OSX: Command Line

To verify on a Mac via the command line. To open a command line window, head to your Applications folder, Utilities folder, then double-click on Terminal. Otherwise, press (Command) + space bar (Space Bar) to launch Spotlight and type 'Terminal,' then double-click the search result.

Run the following command 'ls /dev/cu*' in a Terminal and check for the following changes (your board may show up under a different device name).

You should get something similar as shown in the image below.

Screenshot of Mac OSX terminal with Serial Basic on cu.wchusbserialfd1410. Click to enlarge.
Note: If you are still unsure of how to access the Terminal, watch this video or read this Apple support article.

Raspbian: Command Line

Run the following command 'ls /dev/ttyUSB*' in the CLI/Terminal and check for the following changes (your board may show up under a different device name).

You should get something similar as shown in the image below.

Screenshot of Raspberry Pi CLI with Serial Basic on ttyUSB0. Click to enlarge

Drivers If You Need Them

The driver should automatically install on most operating systems. However, there is a wide range of operating systems out there. You may need to install drivers the first time you connect the chip to your computer's USB port or when there are operating system updates. For more information, check out our How to Install CH340 Drivers Tutorial.

How to Install CH340 Drivers

How to install CH340 drivers (if you need them) on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Resources and Going Further

Once you've got serial communication working, you're ready to start playing with serial projects. Consider connecting to a GPS module like the LS20031 (one of my favorites) and watching the serial strings roll by. Or, you can use the Serial Basic to program and debug devices like the Arduino Pro Mini. There are tons of devices that use serial to communicate, so go explore!

The Serial Basic programming an Arduino Pro Mini
Heads up! The image shows the Serial Basic connected to an Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V/8MHz. If you are using an Arduino Pro Mini 5V/16MHz, make sure to adjust the jumper pad for the voltage selection on the back of the Serial Basic.

Turret Jumper (prototype) Mac Os Download

Check out these other resources for the Serial Basic.

  • Datasheet (CH340G)
  • WCH: CH340 Drivers - Latest drivers can be found from the manufacturer
    • Windows (EXE) -- Driver executable
    • Windows (ZIP) -- Driver version 3.4 (2016-09-27)
    • Linux (ZIP) -- Driver v1.5 (2018-03-18)
    • Mac (ZIP) -- Driver v1.5 (2018-07-04)

Check out these other great SparkFun tutorials.

IR Communication

This tutorial explains how common infrared (IR) communication works, as well as shows you how to set up a simple IR transmitter and receiver with an Arduino.

OBD II UART Hookup Guide

How to start working with the OBD-II Uart board.

MIDI Tutorial

Turret Jumper (prototype) Mac Os Catalina

Understanding the Musical Instrument Digital Interface.

MicroMod ESP32 Processor Board Hookup Guide

Turret Jumper (prototype) Mac Os X

A short hookup guide to get started with the SparkFun MicroMod ESP32 Processor Board.